
2020-06-08   手机访问


1.He's small but he can climb a tower(塔).

2.This provides(提供) meat that you would eat.A chicken is what gives the eggs.And this is what gives bacon(熏肉).

3.I'm a red creature from the sea with large claws(爪), or pincers(螯), and I'm often boiled and served as an expensive dish at seafood restaurants.

4.I am known as a king.The jungle’s where I reign(统治).It is hard to tame(制服) me.And I have a large mane(鬃毛).

5.I travel very slowly.When gliding along the ground.Maybe my shell weighs me down.In your garden I am found.

6.I cannot hear or even see.But sense light and sounds there may be.Sometimes I end up on a hook(鱼钩).I can be combined(联系) with a book.What am I?

7.I am a type of animal.You might see on a safari(游猎).I’m covered in black and white stripes(条纹).I’m part of the horse family.

8.I am an insect(昆虫).A hive is my home.I eat some pollen(花粉).And can sting to protect.

9.I have two eyes in the front and a lot of eyes on my tail. What am I? 

10. I sleep by day and fly at night, but I have no feathers to aid my flight. What am I?

11. I like to use my long tongue.To eat leaves from tops of trees.I don’t have to climb up though.With my long neck it’s a breeze.

12. What jumps when it walks and sits when it stands?

13. Tall when seated, short when standing.

14. Always well dressed, but I never fly.Black and white, sometimes in a tie.I swim and slide, and dance and glide(滑行),With one person by my side.What am I?

15. When it was young, it had a tail. When it grew up, it had knees.


16. I am a type of mammal(哺乳动物).Whose height and strength are very great.I have big paws and thick fur.And in dark caves I hibernate(冬眠).

17. This is a kind of animal.You might see in someone’s house.Because they are a common pet.That might help to catch a mouse.

18. From that which comes within itself.It builds its table on my shelf.

19. I’m a pet that has four legs.And a tail at the end.You might hear me barking.And I’m known as man’s best friend.

20. When they are caught, they are thrown away.When they escape, you itch all day.

21.  You can eat its wings.Its breast(胸部) and its legs.Plus when it’s alive.You can eat its eggs.

22. They live in a field.Milk is what they make.They help give us leather(皮革).And a juicy steak(牛排).

23.It is time for Thanksgiving.I don’t know if you’d heard.Which means it’s time to gobble.This very tasty bird.

24. I’m an animal.And I like to hop.I have Easter eggs.That I like to drop.

25. If a man carried my burden(负担), he would break his back.I am not rich, but I leave silver in my track.What am I?

26. He calls in the morning, the day to renew, if his owner gets hungry, he'll be turned to stew. What is he? 

27. The alphabet goes from A to Z. What goes from Z to A?

28. Cute hares(野兔)that hop and deliver eggs at Easter are called by this nickname(绰号).

29. You might be called this animal.If someone thinks that you’re afraid.This is something that you might eat.As well as its eggs that it laid.

30. Long  and slender(纤细的). Dark as homemade thunder. Keen(敏锐的) eyes and peaked nose. Scares the Devil(恶魔)wherever it goes.


31.  I can jump, I can swim, I swing from tree to tree and I make a house much bigger than myself. What am I?

32. Some people are scared of this creature.Because it can have a big bite.So be careful out in the ocean.One of its kind is a Great White.

33. I am a type of animal.Some say that I have a long face.I’m very good at running fast.So people ride me in a race.

34. If you go out on a boat.And stay there until it’s late.What is it that you might catch.With a rod, hook and some bait?

35. I can honk(鹅叫) without using a horn. What am I?

36. Black and scary, small and hairy.In the night you hear it preach(说教).Through its noisy high pitched screech(尖叫).

37. Microparasite(微寄生物) expert at sucking the blood of mammals and birds.

38. With four oars it swims but it is always at home.Its back is like armor(盔甲).

39. It can be white or blue or black, Humped or have a horn.And when it talks it sings its menuets, as it's travelling the depths.

40. This animal can be quite long.But it doesn’t have a great height.It can have deadly venom(毒液) though.So beware because it can bite.

41. What is green, has four legs, no tail, and usually heard at night?

42. I have a long tongue but I’m not a frog.I eat trees but I’m not a koala.

I live in Africa but I’m not a lion.I have a long neck but I’m not a bottle.

43.  One of my favorite things.Is to run around the park.If I am unhappy.Then you might hear me bark.

44. What animal dwells(居住) in water and best known for its work ethic?

45. A king without a crown.

46. I am an animal and a hair product(美发用品). What am I?

47.  One of these is Cupid.But it doesn’t have a bow.Instead it pulls a sleigh.Through the air and lands on snow.

48. What lives where it cannot breathe and has a hole in its back?

49. I may be your best friend, but I depend on you. In the brink of danger, it is you I will defend.

50. I can be many different colors. I live in your home. I like to play with string. I have four legs.

51. I’m an animal you might love.But I’m too big to be your pet.I have an extremely long trunk.And it’s said I never forget.

52.  I can sing, but I can't talk. I can climb a high tree, but can't run. I have very soft hair and a very hard mouth. What am I?

53.  A stellar(星的) five-limbed(五条腿) sea creature.

54. This noble creature has the embarrassing inability to get up once it's been flipped onto its back(一旦被翻倒就很难站起来).

55. Holding two swords(剑) and eight spears(矛). Dressed in a cow-leather tunic(短袍). He peeks through a hole in the door.

56.   It is a cat but not a kitty.You'll never catch on in a city.Its fangs are huge and so its claws,

A death machine with paws and jaws.In its own way a royal fellow.Striped with black and clothed in yellow.

57. It is probably the most laid-back member of the animal kingdom.

58. I travel in a gaggle. What am I?

59. I stink(有臭味) in living but when dead smells good.

60. A colourful bird that talks.

  谜   底  

1. ant     2. pig     3. lobster    

4. lion   5. snail     6. worm   

7. zebra   8. bee   9. peacock   

10. bat  11. giraffe   12. kangaroo   

13. dog   14. penguin   15.frog   

16. bear   17. cat   18. spider 

19.dog   20.fleas   21.  chicken   

22.cow    23. turkey   24. easter bunny   

25. snail   26. rooster   27. zebra    

28. bunny   29. chicken    30. snake

31. spider  32. shark   33.  horse 

34. fish   35. goose   36. bat   

37.flea   38.turtle   39. whale   

40. snake   41.frog   42. giraffe   

43.dog   44. beaver   45.lion   

46. moose  47. reindeer  48. whale   

49. dog  50. cat   51. elephant   

52. bird   53. starfish    54.turtle    

55. crab    56.tiger    57.sloth   

58. goose   59.pig   60. parrot 



